(+1) (250) 540 2333
tours@frontline-ukraine.com​ Before writing to book a tour click here​

We strive to remain safe – no one has yet been harmed on our exploratory tours - but you will be in a war zone and near to and sometimes at the red line, so very real and unavoidable dangers exist. We won’t be visiting trenches or coming within rifle range of active battles, but this close to the front lines there are always dangers of one sort or another, so we encourage team members to bring Level IV body armour and a ballistic helmet, or be prepared to buy them at a lesser cost in Ukraine (~$1000 USD – you can take them home or donate them to the troops when you leave). You won’t need to wear them most of the time, but you will visit places where body armour should be worn.
Each team member is required to bring an emergency medical kit with at least one tourniquet.
To reiterate, this is not an “extreme” tour, and we’re not doing it for thrills. You will be kept as safe as possible given the circumstances by experienced operatives, and there are no planned visits to active battles or special danger spots. Sometimes opportunities arise that involve more acute dangers, like a trip to help medics in an active forward position, but only those members of the team who proactively ask to go will be taken.
Those confirmed as team members will be briefed on safety measures and protocols, and we encourage all team members to learn or refresh basic first aid.